10 | iNarrabri Magazine
Interview by Chris Jollow
What is the Georgia Berry life
story in three sentences?
I grew up in Gloucester with my
amazing and very supportive
parents Renee and Graham. I
completed all my schooling at
Gloucester and moved to New-
castle at the age of 18 where I
then began working with children
and joined the band. I am an
obsessive traveller and have seen
over 30 countries with family,
my best friend Phoebe and my
partner of 3 years, Rod - who is a
very talented musician and will be
playing at Tatts with us!
How did Misbehave get
Misbehave has been around a
long time before me. It is a local
Newcastle band that I joined four
and a half years ago.
What is the story behind the
band’s name?
My manager Mark is very cheeky
so I wouldn’t be surprised if he
came up with the name. He is
hilarious, a real joker, he is great.
How would you describe a
“Misbehave” performance?
Misbehave performances vary to
suit what the event is. We are all
very relaxed and do it because
we love it. We keep ourselves
grounded and fresh by perform-
ing the newer songs by Sia, Pink,
Katy Perry, The Preature’s, Vance
Joy, Adele and Ed Sheeran but
keeping the golden oldies in mind
like The Eagles, Choirboys, Roll-
ing Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Neil
Young and Travelling Wilbury’s.
There really is something for
Whereabouts have you played?
We play at any Newcastle estab-
lishment you can think of that
caters for live music. We are very
lucky to have such an enthusiastic
manager who goes through ven-
ues independently - allowing us
to be free from contracts. This al-
lows us to play anywhere without
causing a conflict of interest. We
are just in it for the music.
Your most memorable
We often do private functions and
weddings and one of my most
memorable moments during my
time with Misbehave was a Hunter
Valley wedding where we played
the father daughter dance. The
bride and her father where both
in tears and in that moment I
realised that we had made that
unforgettable moment for them
so special. The bride looked at
me with tears in her eyes and
mouthed the words “thank you”.
I’ll never forget that.
Funniest moment on stage?
Which one to pick! (laughing) We
are the most relaxed people. We
do it for fun and without a doubt
there is always something that
cracks us up - whether it be a
wrong verse, wardrobe malfunc-
tion, wrong chord... We are all so
supportive of each other and I
know that being the singer, I just
keep going and no matter what
the band will always have my back
and never let me be in the left
field for too long, they somehow
come together and we end up
back at the right spot without
anyone even knowing.
What can a Narrabri audience
A party! Misbehave will bring
Narrabri a fantastic weekend,
I’m positive my Dad (Graham)
has been telling everyone about
it! I’m really looking forward to
coming and visiting the town that
Dad has been raving about, he
really loves it, so does Mum. It will
be nice to finally see the town and
meet the lovely people I’ve been
hearing so much about.
What’s the element that you
most enjoy about performing?
I love being appreciated for
singing and playing. My favourite
gigs are the ones where people
actually pay attention and absorb
my vocal performance and the
playing of the incredible musicians
beside me. I also love playing with
my other half Rod. It’s nice when
we can do a gig together as he
is a full time musician playing as
Jon English’s lead guitarist and
playing George Harrison in the
Beatle Boys. Rod has just released
his own album on iTunes “Rodney
Auld – Four Walls and a View” so
he is busy touring nationally and
internationally, so when we are
able to play together it’s really
How do you prepare for a gig?
Every gig is different but the
one thing that remains the same
is that I am always rushing. But
once I am at the gig, a glass of
good merlot usually sorts me out
Who are your influences?
I try to just be myself and concen-
trate on my own sound and tone.
I find myself aspiring to artists
that interest me such as London
Grammar, Meg Mac, The Prea-
tures, Sia and Lana Del Ray. I love
their form of writing and the way
they are able to tell stories with
their music. I love a good hook.
Who are you listening to at the
I love artists such as Meg Mac,
London Grammar, The Preatures,
Sia, Lana Del Ray, Vance Joy, Tom
Petty, Ryan Adams. I listen to
Triple J every day.
When you’re not gigging, what
are you doing?
I am a qualified Early Childhood
teacher and work at an incredible
service in Gloucester. Gloucester
Preschool really is something
special and it is a pleasure to
work there, hence why I travel
two hours to get there from the
Hunter Valley where Rod, myself
and Rod's son, 12 year old Har-
rison, live. We recently bought
our dream home in the Valley and
have been renovating with the
help of mum and dad since April.
We have been working hard and
it has been a real focus for us to
complete the house, so we have
been doing that in any spare time
possible. Harrison is aspiring to be
just like his dad and is currently
recording his own album in our
studio at our home (as Rod is a
recording producer.) It’s his dad's
and his "special time" and it is so
lovely to see to end product that
they have worked so hard on.
Rod, Harrison and I make film
clips for his songs in the back-
yard and the house, which then
furthers into editing and making
album covers, so we are pretty
busy all the time, but love every
Apart from music, what other
interests do you have?
I am interested in anything
creative and design based. I love
cooking which I learnt from my
Nanna (my mum’s mother, Dor-
othy) at a young age which has
followed me into adult life, gar-
dening and growing vegetables
and fresh produce for my family.
But it really comes back to music,
with such a strong influence from
the Berry side of the family. Poppa
Mick would always bring out the
guitar at any family event and
still does to this day! It is such a
beautiful way of life. I really have
been so blessed to have such an
incredible, supportive family on
both mum and dad’s side.
And finally, the big question -
baked beans or spaghetti?
Definitely sushi!
Performing in Narrabri for the first time, Georgia Berry is excited to
be bringing "Misbehave" to a town she has heard so much about!
georgia berry - "misbehave"
photo: supplied